Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Resistance Ohm's Law

-The electrical resistance is the measure of the opposition to flow
-The resistance of an object can be calculated from dividing the voltage by the current
-The Greek letter Omega, Ω, is used to symbolize ohm
-There is a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 amp of current flows with a potential difference of 1 volt across a resistor.
-Every object has a resistance, the amount depends on the material's resistivity, the length of the material, and the cross sectional area
-The formula to calculate the resistance of a conductor is R=p(L/A). R is the resistance in ohms, p is the resistivity of the material in ohms x meters (calculated in lab results), L is the length of the material in meters, and A is the area of the cross sectional in m^2
-Conductors are able to become superconductors at very low temperatures, absolute zero which is 0 Kelvins equivalent to -273.15 degrees C
-To calculate the resistance within a series circuit, the resistance from all of the resistors is added together
-To calculate the overall resistance in a parallel circuit, 1 over the resistance of each resistor added together 1/Rt=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3+....+1/RN
-Three way light bulbs has two lights inside in a parallel circuit. It can light up one light, the other light, or both at the same time.

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